The Granok are a race of humanoids with thick stone skins and, gratitude to the Aurin, plants that develop on their heads where hair would develop for different creatures. The Granok were expelled from their home planet and have tracked down a new, yet maybe transitory home among the armed forces of the Exile following quite a while of filling in as hired soldiers. Granok names are basic and solid, copying their rough nature. Hard consonants are clearly conspicuous, yet the names are for the most part not as fierce sounding as some different races, similar to the Draken.
Granok doesn’t utilize last names like different races do, rather they utilize honorific-like names that could be identified with different parts of their life like deeds and callings. Names like ‘Stonebreaker’ and ‘Boulderbuster’ for instance.
Granok Names
- Drokor Hardstrike
- Rebull Harddown
- Zurkeg Bulkspirit
- Jekkoll Tenrend
- Tegag Stoutmaster
- Dabruk Firmgrip
- Zak Cracksliver
- Guk Slamsky
- Zuk Thunderrend
- Drak Fistbough
- Grozkull Emberforce
- Brovuz Flamesmasher
- Zulkek Darktrap
- Zerell Craglash
- Rokkog Crackfury
- Toknus Hardkeeper
- Tus Slatesmasher
- Qus Brutaldream
- Zes Crashdown
- Vas Firmridge
- Terrek Slamsplitter
- Juggez Grandspire
- Dredar Slatesorrow
- Gedrag Titanshout
- Reknur Smashburst
- Krardak Powerspell
- Zuk Burstspell
- Dok Thunderward
- Tek Grimsnap
- Drek Emberrage
- Drurres Sternkeep
- Jarbez Redmight
- Terzok Hardspirit
- Drorkell Stouttrack
- Tured Sternkeep
- Grezez Shadowbough
- Quz Firesong
- Jaz Timberdown
- Qez Doomwalker
- Tuz Iceclash
- Turdas Toughsorrow
- Gorvud Frosttrap
- Drardus Powertrack
- Devak Stoneward
- Grerdud Steelrage
- Kudoz Rigidbend
- Goz Powersplitter
- Groz Cracksmasher
- Jez Redmight
- Kez Strongrend
Male Granok Names
- Rozkar Starksky
- Bredac Doombrow
- Gegok Steelshout
- Kognar Crashbough
- Jaror Boulderfall
- Grerrar Smashsnap
- Ger Bonehunter
- Brur Darkstride
- Bror Burstmore
- Dor Grimdream
- Vargas Blastwatcher
- Qegnar Timberclash
- Qadrad Doomthorn
- Varkad Firmward
- Dralgor Bleakcut
- Gregak Ironsorrow
- Kruk Timberbough
- Tuk Stubbornheart
- Brok Grimshatter
- Rak Stoutrend
- Vugeg Cracksplit
- Dervor Steelhunter
- Korrok Powerdown
- Qukkod Longspell
- Dekeg Hardcrusher
- Jobruz Starkspire
- Zuz Sternforce
- Kroz Smashrunner
- Kraz Stonewalker
- Zoz Crashblight
- Bregell Stubbornward
- Dradog Slamsplit
- Kakos Cragsplitter
- Qabos Sternheart
- Druzkeg Flamespirit
- Kedac Hardsnap
- Jec Sternquake
- Zoc Grandtrack
- Toc Stonesong
- Roc Smashwatcher
- Qerguk Strongwalker
- Krezkuc Toughsky
- Kuzkug Timbermaster
- Korkod Slamsliver
- Qukkuc Crackstrike
- Drekeg Bulkblaze
- Brag Burstsliver
- Rog Stubbornforce
- Geg Deepcrusher
- Zag Brutalsliver
Female Granok Names
- Hakre Longspire
- Folko Flamespell
- Hokra Toughkeeper
- Fafro Smashtrack
- Nodke Strongwalker
- Dalro Toughwalker
- Fall Rigidsong
- Kar Embergrip
- Kes Smashmaster
- Reh Doomsplit
- Zasto Burstshard
- Joska Stubbornstride
- Chaska Firmsplit
- Rafro Bleakdream
- Naska Bulksplinter
- Zove Powerblight
- Lez Stoutquake
- Lot Grimprime
- Tol Tenbough
- Vaz Deepsong
- Karva Cragspell
- Dofre Boneridge
- Kofko Deephunter
- Fasha Doomstorm
- Vesve Stubbornblight
- Narze Frostshadow
- Ret Timberreaper
- Nol Metalsorrow
- Kaz Slamtrack
- Fel Longcrusher
- Cherbe Crashsplinter
- Dozke Powerhorn
- Loshe Frostclash
- Rakna Titanshade
- Farda Stonereaper
- Lefro Slabbrow
- Jon Timberlash
- Jott Toughshade
- Vatt Doomkeeper
- Kall Flameshatter
- Chadre Starkreaper
- Rorva Vaultbough
- Felzo Icesplit
- Kovo Timbercrest
- Larbe Fightbough
- Felzo Blastsplinter
- Jan Bleakcrest
- Das Bleakshadow
- Chez Vaultridge
- Loz Shadowsnap
Best Granok Names
- Grulkag Blaststorm
- Gurgec Fistbreaker
- Drogas Rigidflake
- Zoggug Vaultfury
- Gradod Sternsliver
- Krarvod Crackrend
- Ted Burstbend
- Gad Metalspirit
- Zod Crashhunter
- Kad Darkstrike
- Hoska Blasthorn
- Vodka Fistwalker
- Tosra Coldsong
- Kervo Boulderburst
- Chasto Hardshout
- Kekro Sternthorn
- Naz Embersorrow
- Hes Longtrap
- Jom Hardhorn
- Kall Stubbornrend
- Brurgud Doomsplit
- Drorbuk Emberspirit
- Brovas Darktrack
- Dorzek Crashfury
- Zakkeg Longthorn
- Zerdell Hardgrip
- Zall Longbuster
- Brell Ironflake
- Brall Grimshatter
- Brell Metalthorn
- Dakze Firmtrack
- Josra Longsliver
- Zolga Blastdream
- Lalze Flamereaper
- Kafre Burstsorrow
- Jodka Bursttrap
- Nem Vaultrunner
- Tonn Slabtrack
- Vatt Firmclash
- Joz Boulderhorn
- Qorvud Blastmark
- Gakkok Toughcrag
- Krerbek Cragroar
- Qorkes Vaultreaper
- Dardur Fightheart
- Jebraz Smashtrack
- Broz Fistforce
- Gaz Sterncrusher
- Groz Colddream
- Kroz Frostshade
Cool Granok Names
- Qoguc Toughsky
- Grerzuz Doomdown
- Volgur Deepfury
- Doruc Toughforce
- Rabror Firethorn
- Zorzes Tenforce
- Vus Metalstride
- Gos Redsplit
- Zus Forcemark
- Vos Toughsorrow
- Vasra Timberspirit
- Tasha Stoutmore
- Tefko Hardmaster
- Chofke Powersmasher
- Jelga Shadowfury
- Zexe Tenshadow
- Rat Slateshade
- Tem Metalkeep
- Jez Slabblaze
- Lat Cracktrap
- Drevoll Ironspell
- Vebroll Coldlash
- Kregog Flameblaze
- Bradell Sternrunner
- Krarroll Doomward
- Debos Titancrest
- Qas Flamestrike
- Kres Shadowridge
- Ges Coldstrike
- Vos Doomheart
- Falge Firespirit
- Kagno Crashsliver
- Kelra Firewalker
- Tedke Timberspell
- Rasva Firebrow
- Tazo Toughspell
- Not Embersplit
- Hos Longflake
- Vett Brutalblaze
- Kaz Slatespell
- Drages Grandstorm
- Gurdus Thundercrag
- Gabruc Crackprime
- Zadrug Smashdream
- Rorec Longspell
- Krurdog Metalstrike
- Vog Icecrest
- Drog Flameroar
- Qag Rigidward
- Tag Thunderbrow
- Krokor Burstsplitter
- Tugug Hardsong
- Drubroz Smashbrow
- Qorzeg Metalsplit
- Darved Stonerunner
- Rurzes Bouldersmasher
- Zas Slamsplit
- Tus Titanstorm
- Jos Flameclash
- Tos Metalshout
- Guguz Timberkeeper
- Brazkull Thundercrusher
- Ruvall Slaterage
- Grolkus Bleaksliver
- Rergac Emberthorn
- Rurdog Powerdream
- Drag Powerkeep
- Kag Steelblaze
- Rag Grimcut
- Jog Slatespell
- Zervec Powersplinter
- Tuduk Coldridge
- Jagned Darkshard
- Gogad Starkstorm
- Garag Starksliver
- Rerduk Darkguard
- Drek Sternflake
- Guk Toughridge
- Rak Craggrip
- Vok Shadowrag
- Drorbak Fiststride
- Vorgar Crashhorn
- Rorgeg Hardsplitter
- Dulkur Slabflake
- Gobrer Icespell
- Braruz Bleakstride
- Tuz Iceward
- Tuz Longclash
- Quz Deepsorrow
- Roz Stoutcrest
- Gebrod Crackmight
- Garrud Redmark
- Grorer Longbend
- Kegnuk Brutalsliver
- Qarrell Bleakmark
- Gregell Darkcrusher
- Krell Grimbend
- Rall Starkshard
- Rell Coldforce
- Kull Fistspell
- Qurrug Brutalsplinter
- Juvek Fistbough
- Tognog Stronggrip
- Tovoz Vaultheart
- Jarkull Bonerage
- Tedod Slabburst
- Drad Ironstride
- Drud Slabfury
- Zed Vaultvalor
- Krod Forcebuster
- Rofre Hardprime
- Chelke Steelstrike
- Chodre Rigidtrack
- Kekna Timberbreaker
- Choze Darkhunter
- Zefra Reddream
- Jott Firekeeper
- Laz Toughbrow
- Dann Crashbend
- Ran Shadowrage
- Jeza Bulkshade
- Vogna Crashquake
- Derva Stubbornspire
- Tarve Bulkwalker
- Zeshe Crackprime
- Hevke Firmrend
- Kell Burstrunner
- Fal Fistthorn
- Zonn Longsky
- Chat Shadowsnap
- Tolga Forcesliver
- Halza Sternridge
- Chexo Flameblaze
- Tedke Cragsky
- Lakno Bleaktrack
- Helza Slabhorn
- Nott Strongrunner
- Kah Tenvalor
- Roz Grandsong
- Jel Timberwalker
- Doze Smashspire
- Zaxa Burstshout
- Velze Slabwar
- Relra Fightburst
- Hesta Frostkeep
- Fekra Stoutspire
- Kat Redmight
- Vel Titanmaster
- Nar Frostshout
- Dann Darkstride
- Rezka Toughbough
- Karsa Firmstorm
- Vasro Bleaksplitter
- Varvo Thunderreaper
- Charde Brutalprime
- Kazke Fistguard
- Jeh Stoutcrest
- Daz Bulkcut
- Fas Powerbrow
- Tom Flameshadow
- Zerva Hardcrag
- Dodre Bleakspell
- Harzo Doombough
- Radka Forcereaper
- Zoste Powerwalker
- Kave Bleaktrap
- Noz Ironcrest
- Denn Powerstorm
- Don Flameforce
- Jah Starkwatcher
- Falka Shadowright
- Vasta Tendown
- Zakno Brutalshard
- Zasro Thunderward
- Tedro Cragsmasher
- Jerve Titanstride
- Fass Blastgrip
- Loss Coldbrow
- Ner Cracklash
- Kar Metalbrow
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How To Name Your Granok
Whenever it comes to naming your character it becomes extremely difficult for players since they have put their heart and soul into it and kind of become a part of your life. In the games, these characters are the life and they make the experience more immersive than ever.
Find a Name That Appropriate For Your Player And Matches Its Personality Along With Yours
While starting the game the first thing it asks of you is to name the character and its personality. Find out what it is for your character to connect him tot the story that you want to tell.
Customize the names to your wish and come up with something badass
You have an entire universe, along with the list above at your disposal. Go all out, find names from these places, randomize them and come with something you can boast about to your friends.
Something Unbelievable For The Name Should Be Avoided
Even if you have all that you need to name your character, do not cross the line of belief where it sounds unbelievable for a name you chose for the character. There is a thin line between being stupid and being intelligent. Choose a name from the list if you cannot differentiate between the two.
Final Words
I hope that the readers of this article will find this piece of information to be useful in finding a name for their gaming character. It seems easy at first but the tough part is the choice we have. If you are finding it hard to come up with a name then go ahead and choose from the list given above. Happy naming and Good luck.
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