Did you fail to find a suitable name for a storm giant? Well, too bad that you did not visit this article earlier! Had you have done that, you could see that we have already brought you a great list of names for storm giants. Along with that, there’s a surprise at the end! But before that, let us give you a basic description of storm giants.
As the name suggests, storm giants belong to the group of giants, and in their own language, they are known as “Uvarjotunen”.
By physical description, amongst the giant clan, the storm giants were the tallest creature who had a height of as long as 26 feet. By weight, they weighed around 6800 kg. Now regarding their other physical descriptions, these storm giants had almost pale skin (sometimes which showed a greenish tint). In contrast, they had dark green color assigned to both their hair and eyes. Generally, the storm giants had silver eyes. In special cases, some storm giants were found to have violet skin and dark blue hair.
Storm giants could not live in normal households, considering their huge height and weight. Therefore, these giants were usually found to live inside gigantic castles. These castles were located on the top of mountains or on the clouds in most cases. Sometimes, they were also found underneath the water, and in many cases, these castles were made of coral.
When it comes to their clothing, they were known to be quite cautious about their dressing sense and wore tunics. Also, they used to wear sandals. Storm giants usually had many types of weapons with them, but they mostly favored the “scale mail” usage.
An interesting fact about them is that they can survive underwater. Plus, they were also known to be well versed in traditional sorcery. It is interesting to note that no other giant had this capability. Generally, storm giants are used to cast spells that can affect nature. Such as- they could create lightning or control the winds. Through their magical power, they could even predict the weather or summon a certain type of weather.
Now considering that these giants were experts in magic, they rarely used physical combat. But however, if a situation arose where they were unable or capable to use magic, they usually favored “greatswords”.
Although being illiterate, it is interesting to note here that storm giants had their own giant language known as “Jotun”.
Now that you are willing to create an attractive name for a storm giant, you must do it in the proper manner. Check out the name list given above. Also, the surprise that we’re talking about is- some tips and tricks which you must keep in mind while creating a good name for a storm giant. Do not forget to check them out!
Storm Giant Names
- The Storm Trooper
- Vorattel Kuemo
- Glendall Koyenner
- Kassek Masimo
- Aglarri Uiron
- Mehazem Mardari
- Uinatur Emona
- Kavizek Uboza
- Kalari Hun
- Meinus Tenoar
- Tuma Tilaki
- Talikhi Iunuz
- Abbaz Koyenar
- Kaleeni Koyena
- Subhnar Ebali
- Alari Mariyun
- Obozka Miyezam
- Kaviz Kaleeni
- Koyezakh Zabadi
- Draleni Koyenu
- Seimpina Salri
- Trulak Tremnar
- Falakhi Koyeza
- Suiro Sumnar
- Ezlar Saliz
- Sukinur Korolak
- Rahilekh Kkruga
- Hekga Yuiron
- Jiha Jiurun
- Gurf Tihu
- Malinez Direz
- Drerkal Ionoz
- Sormaz Selarri
- Korlak Jihad
- Fahizekh Korbadi
- Sebisa Asref
- Drahilekh Juih
- Koyenukh Agarris
- Elarris Mesiha
- Algar Nemehok
- Suknor Trija
- Sakinura Trilang
- Hrileng Dandies
- Drekinar Mazaikhu
- Ogurez Kobrak
- Semnar Tirlai
- Kageezi Subunai
- Kolorak Magiexi
- Aladari Koyenak
- Sukinura Kolema
Great Storm Giant Names
- Obuza Jihu
- Kolinua Oankem
- Kira Kourun
- Jiha Jighun
- Tirdak Taleni
- Kosrak Masradem
- Alazi Oiunhum
- Sukoni Delikar
- Malari Mafis
- Sekinar Delkar
- Faasing Mu
- Koyenuz Alagari
- Soilkia Sralem
- Azagir Kourenu
- Tromura Sukeli
- Masikhu Obraz
- Srempai Kiyegza
- Krela Humirahi
- Sekrali Ibuza
- Harlekh Kridada
- Koyeruz Serda
- Falikhi Iunun
- Jiram Giehun
- Trenida Falkaz
- Sunira Mazakhi
- Falikhi Oguraz
- Tridem Obura
- Royelekhi Ragira
- Ralikh Razem
- Renpai Roleekhi
- Koagura Kisem
- Sazremi Myzak
- Sukanura Koyemi
- Sikhnai Palami
- Simnur Keyezakh
- Kalini Moyenami
- Iunun Dihai
- Railekh Argari
- Abuza Hoilem
- Mariburo Menrami
- Koyelekh Kaazi
- Sumnar Koyelekh
- Tragi Iuhla
- Manizi Royeam
- Trabidi Habiru
- Koyezakh Regadi
- Abizu Odrak
- Kaleeni Kozrak
- Senra Kumo
- Oizaki Faleni
Fantastic Storm Giant Names
- Fatakhi Masahi
- Kuna Jiha
- Ouiburo Halin
- Redarki Ihnhem
- Riham Mafez
- Ezrida Koremi
- Korbaz Ranemi
- Jihu Ibilla
- Oizeki Umion
- Konrar Kazikh
- Kaleeni Konrar
- Kolror Sinru
- Mazukh Azdraki
- Ihnnu Juk
- Oinez Juku
- Ralhik Benma
- Kakaazhi Quini
- Quimo Union
- Kolekhi Oburaz
- Sahi Sannesa
- Dreka Druku
- Droyelez Raanima
- Feldrak Kalimi
- Koknar Kuyemo
- Kakainara Tuimo
- Queni Huinua
- Melra Maneni
- Rannimi Olgar
- Kokuzo Ebrozi
- Alaradi Uimor
- Senmar Sukino
- Koyezikh Ranami
- Efnar Tremno
- Koyelikh Kalizi
- Ratili Fenana
- Kobuzo Hatilkh
- Fanani Myru
- Salikhi Dranin
- Oguza Dreko
- Sinra Tumpihi
- Suknoraa Koyeri
- Ebozi Aviru
- Oyenafi Fanra
- Qiei Jiha
- Tumnar Trilu
- Jihari Menrur
- Raini Memgus
- Ogadri Oiurik
- Onari Union
- Kabezi Ovnar
Awesome Storm Giant Names
- Kolrakji Menhem
- Tremina Koyezi
- Obnari Ogara
- Oyeziku Maanis
- Fehzakh Obastem
- Huinin Jihu
- Koyenira Olari
- Senma Masahekh
- Kogishu Yurin
- Jihu Uiron
- Kakelk Huiron
- Inma Menemo
- Zelka Hari
- Zalkikh Neuro
- Nuo Niumpo
- Kogeeza Alagri
- Faselh Zikred
- Tread Trademi
- Eldra Kuro
- Koyerin Suborri
- Sudrema Toyedaki
- Kasremi Seminaria
- Falikhi Uiron
- Ozrak Huin
- Tranin Jihu
- Gihu Asrem
- Koyezoka Aveezi
- Solraz Kaneez
- Fekrani Kuyelora
- Fatimura Obuzo
- Krolekh Kabazi
- Sekrani Srinam
- Falrad Frinami
- Aybuzo Olfari
- Drakin Delaris
- Koyedik Salezi
- Tridem Tromba
- Tronik Triled
- Koyezik Mehsam
- Ablekh Ogurun
- Tridem Jihu
- Manizaki Muji
- Falekihd Drahlad
- Evnor Kira
- Oyezaki Haburo
- Sanakh Mahazin
- Avalari Kiurun
- Masahi Kuriu
- Tumro Riu
- Rynez Dira
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How To Choose A Storm Giant Name
Make Names Based On The Language Of Storm Giants
Although the storm giants were illiterate in nature, it is quite natural that their name sounds nonsensical. But that does not mean you can simply assign any name to a storm giant. In order to create a good name for a storm giant, we advise you to research the languages spoken by them. For example, they have their own language called the Jotun. Not only that, but they even have also made their own specialized version of it called Jotunavar. In many cases, they were often found to speak in the Common language.
Therefore, before rushing to create a name for a storm giant, research on this language a little bit and find out in what way do the storm giants made their names for the females and the males.
We have tried our best to create suitable names for a storm giant. Do not forget to check them out!
Make Names Based On The Characteristics Of A Storm Giant
Imagine making a petty name for a gigantic giant such as a storm giant. Sounds weird, right? Therefore, if you want to make a good name for a storm giant, you must note that it should absolutely match the creature’s physical characteristics. For example, we have already mentioned that storm giants have a superb height and a massive weight. Secondly, they do not look attractive in nature considering the fact that they have pale skin, and in complete contrast to it, they have light green skin and dark green hair.
Coming to their fighting skills, they perform rune casting and traditional sorcery. What makes the storm giant special from the other giant is that they do not generally use weapons to fight their enemies. To them, their powerful magic is enough.
Therefore, we advise you to research a little bit on a storm giant’s characteristics. And then, on the basis of it, try making a name for them. You can do it!
The Name Should Not Be Super Long
After all, you are making a name for a living creature. Therefore, such names should be short and attractive, be it any living creature. This is because- if it is horrendously long, the name cannot stand out amongst the crowd. Think about it- the main aim of coming to this article is that you want to create a good and attractive name for your storm giant. Therefore, firstly you cannot give any type of name to your creature. Secondly, if you were hoping to give a super long name to these creatures, trust us, you were making a wrong decision. Try keeping the name within two to three words. That’s it. If you exceed it, the name will sound boring.
Looking for such names but unable to find anywhere? Try checking out the name list given above, where all names are made within the range of two words.
The name for a storm giant must be as powerful as the creature itself. As a last tip, you must remember this fact. We hope we were successful in helping you in the best way to find out a great name for a storm giant.
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